The Clean Drain Dry Initiative provides local and nationwide marketing services and outreach materials to prevent the spread of invasive species.


  • Access Enhancement Protocol

    Access Enhancement Protocol (AEP) is the systematic redesign or retrofit process to improve a public water access site. While the focus is on aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention, all aspects of the site is considered to create a cohesive and well designed public user experience. AEP is a comprehensive approach to AIS management which includes unified messaging, signage, AIS prevention tools, and strategic access design to empower boaters and anglers as a key component of AIS prevention.

  • Risk Assessments & Site Prescriptions

    In a groundbreaking initiative, Wildlife Forever, with the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), has developed an Invasive Species Risk Assessment tool designed to identify invasive species threats while offering mitigation strategies to prevent spread. In collaboration with western field offices of the BLM, a pilot risk assessment was conducted on a total of 12 public access points. The resulting report includes strategic placement of boat cleaning stations, informational signage, and recommendations to better engage the public and protect western waters.

  • Rapid Response Kits

    Rapid Response Kits provide agencies, organizations , and communities across the country with tools to quickly communicate about an infestation of aquatic invasive species. The kit helps send out urgent warnings when a local lake has been infested with a specific invasive species and educate the effected public on what to do to prevent the further spread of the invasive specie.